Resources for Students
Our campus organizing team is dedicated to supporting our student leaders and chapters with a wide array of services, resources, and programs. If you need one-on-one help with your chapter, advice with media relations or writing press releases, ideas for campus or community programs, or legal assistance, we are always here for you.
Please contact us at any time: or 614-441-9588.

Chapter Services
Request Funds From Your School
Believe it or not, there is free money available from your school for your club activities. That very often includes funds for students to travel to leadership development and other events related to their club. The key is to find out how the system works and get your request in early. Every school is a little different, this guide will help you figure out the process and provides lots of sample language to make your application easy.
Tabling Supplies
You can order pens, brochures, pens, stickers, banners, and more. One of our most popular offerings is the "What is an Atheist?" brochure. Complete the order form from our store and your tabling supplies will be to their way to you soon.
Business Cards
Order business cards with your chapter’s name and contact information on them.
Event Planning Toolkit
Successful events are complex systems involving multiple parties, budgets, and bureaucracy. Use our comprehensive toolkit to make sure you're well prepared and don't skip crucial steps on your way to event planning success!
Speakers Bureau
You can book speakers come to your campus. Speakers from the Secular Movement have graciously offered to speak, debate, or perform with discounted (or waived) honorariums for SSA chapters.
Excellence in Organizing Award
Be recognized for the outstanding work you do and have a chance to receive $100 for your chapter.
FFRF Project Grants
Funding is available to help student chapters offset the costs of events and projects. Upon receiving funding for an event please fill out a follow up report which can be found here. Made possible by a generous grant from the Freedom from Religion Foundation.
Online Fundraising
Your chapter can use peer-to-peer crowdsourcing to raise money to use for events, projects, and travel. Contact your campus organizer for more information:
New Chapter Starting Kit
The New Chapter Starting Kit provides you with helpful information on how to start a chapter, a Sample Constitution, and By-laws, running a meeting, and more. Click the download button to find all the documents you'll need to start your chapter off on the right foot.
Chapter Leadership Guide
The Chapter Leadership Guide provides you with helpful information on how to start a chapter, program planning, running a meeting, leadership transition, and more. Download your guide: one for new leaders and one for experienced student leaders.
How to Host Your First Meeting in 5 Easy Steps
Need help planning out your first meeting? Check out this easy 5 step guide that'll walk you through the process.
Building Communities of Belonging
Creating communities where people are invited into friendship and know they belong and are cared for requires intention and structure. Use our tools and guides for inducting new members and officers
Exploring Secularism - a guide for high school chapters
Download our 15-week guide designed specifically for high school SSA chapters. Each week features a new topic with resources you can engage with and discuss questions that will help you have a fun, engaging conversation.
Secular America Report Card
Grade your elected officials on their support for secular issues! This toolkit and program guide is designed to help you and your SSA chapter move from discussions about secular issues to actually engaging in the political process to make your voice heard.
SSA Branding & Design Hub
Download the Secular Student Alliance logo (which you can customize), flyers to help promote you chapter, and various national event posters. You can also find great flyer and poster designs that other SSA groups have successfully used and shared!
Program & Activities Guides
Looking for program ideas? Check out the step-by-step guides on a wide range of events.
Legal Assistance
Find out what to do if you think your school is violating the separation of church and state. We take the fair treatment of students very seriously and we will do everything in our power to help you rectify the situation at your school.
YouTube Channel
Check out the videos of the presentations from our conferences and leadership summits since 2009, as well as special events held by our affiliates.
Sex Ed. Tool Kit
Abstinence-only until marriage (AOUM) sex education and medically inaccurate materials are still the norm in far too many of America’s public schools. Find out how you can challenge AOUM sex education by downloading the American Atheists Sex Ed. Toolkit. Learn what resources and steps you'll need to take to change minds and policy in your local area.
Young Skeptics Curriculum (elementary school)
Young Skeptics was created to give children (and parents) a positive, dogma-free alternative to religious after school programs.
Leadership Development
Join your fellow student leaders from around the country on Facebook to ask questions, discuss ideas, share advice, and more.
The Secular Student Alliance provides scholarships for secular student activists. Apply for a scholarship in the Fall, just before classes begin.
Annual Leadership Awards
Each year SSA grants a variety of awards to students, advisors and chapters.
National Conference
Each summer, the Secular Student Alliance hosts a conference for student leaders across the country with nationally-known speakers, educational sessions and trainings, and panel discussions on relevant social issues.
Internships & Jobs
Check out internships and jobs with organizations in the secular movement.
Your involvement with the Secular Student Alliance and the secular movement should not end after you graduate. Information on staying involved and links to a variety of national secular organizations.
Check out our leadership development training Webinars! Topics include New Leaders Guide, Keys to Growing your Chapter, and Leadership Transitions. Ask your local campus organizer to find out when the next one will take place.