Welcome Secular Students!
Welcome to the largest organization dedicated to atheist, humanist, secular, and non-religious students. You join thousands of other individuals committed to making a difference, building a secular community, and helping us overcome the stigma faced by non-believers. You are the future leaders of the secular movement!

Opportunities for Secular Students
Scholarships for secular activists passionate about church/state separation! Learn more and apply by July 31.
National Leadership Council
Take your secular leadership to the next level, help lay the path for the secular student movement's future!
Webinars and Events
Join SSA and secular students across the country for a member meeting, educational webinar, or a game night!
National Conference
Join the largest gathering of secular students in the nation! Register your interest today, we'll see you this summer!
Secular Jobs and Internships
Check out these jobs and internships in the secular community. Check back as we are always adding new opportunities.
Recovering From Religion
Leaving religion isn't easy. Recovering From Religion and Secular Therapy Project can help.
Legal Assistance
Think your school may be violating the separation of church and state? Find out what to do and access legal assistance.
Meet your SSA Staff

Ready to take the next step?
Start a Chapter of the Secular Student Alliance on your campus!