Posts by Kevin Bolling
Secular Student Alliance v. U.S. Department of Education
On August 19, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education announced that it is reviewing and anticipates rescinding parts of a regulation enacted by the Trump administration that, among other things, forces universities to financially support religious student groups that discriminate. American Atheists and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who are challenging this provision in…
Read MoreThe Discrimination of Kappa Sigma
By Christopher Hood Christopher Hood is the President of the Secular Student Alliance at the University of North Georgia. Last October, Chris took a pledge to join the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Shortly after, he was removed from the fraternity because he is an atheist and would not profess that he believed in God. Christopher sought…
Read MoreLawsuit to Overturn Department of Education Regulation that Forces Universities to Fund Discrimination by Student Groups
Today, the national civil rights organizations American Atheists and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, on behalf of the Secular Student Alliance and a California university student, filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s Department of Education to challenge a recently published regulation that forces universities to financially support religious student groups that discriminate. “The…
Read MoreSSA president at Vanderbilt joins first Cohort of Interfaith Fellows
Helena Robertson, president of the Secular Student Alliance at Vanderbilt University, is one of six student leaders invited to join the first Cohort of Interfaith Fellows, sponsored by the Office of Inclusive Excellence and the Office of Religious Life. The fellows will meet (virtually) weekly to discuss issues of peace, justice, religion and how to engage…
Read MoreKayley Rettberg: Shaping her life and career with secular values
Growing up, Kayley’s family identified as “Chreasters,” going to Catholic Church on Christmas and Easter. When she started weekly religion classes in second grade, she said, “I always felt the most judged in the Church, the very same space where I was told to let God do the judging.” That disconnect in values led her…
Read MoreHow to Make an Impact in Politics
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4pm (pacific) Register Here Join us for this exciting and informative training on how to successfully advocate for secularism in politics. Sarah Levin is a political strategist and veteran lobbyist. Formerly with Secular Coalition for America, Sarah is the founder of Secular Strategies.
Read MoreSSA Debuts Presidential Debate Scorecord
How closely do your values align with the two candidates for President of the United States? Use our Presidential Debate Scorecard as you watch the first debate on September 29. Begin by indicating to what degree you agree or disagree with a list of values statements. Then, as you listen to the debate, mark where…
Read MoreHost Your Own Virtual Ask An Atheist Day This Thursday
Ask An Atheist Day is an opportunity for secular groups across the country to work together to defeat stereotypes about atheism and encourage courteous dialogue between believers and nonbelievers alike. The day is intended to be an opportunity for the general public—particularly people of faith—to approach non-theists and ask questions about secular life. Use social media:…
Read MoreThe world needs more secular students
Graduation is an important milestone and benchmark of achievement for all students. The class of 2020 enters an increasingly connected and complicated world, in which the values of compassion, equality, and justice are needed more than ever. Our atheist, humanist, and nonreligious graduating students have a unique opportunity to create the future they want to…
Read MoreSecular Student Alliance to Hold Virtual Graduation Celebration
This article originally appeared in The Humanist (May 8, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. Nowhere is this more true than on college campuses. Seven weeks ago, colleges and universities began to close down in compliance with state and federal advice to stay at home and avoid spreading the novel coronavirus…
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