Archive for September 2020
How to Make an Impact in Politics
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4pm (pacific) Register Here Join us for this exciting and informative training on how to successfully advocate for secularism in politics. Sarah Levin is a political strategist and veteran lobbyist. Formerly with Secular Coalition for America, Sarah is the founder of Secular Strategies.
Read MoreSSA Debuts Presidential Debate Scorecord
How closely do your values align with the two candidates for President of the United States? Use our Presidential Debate Scorecard as you watch the first debate on September 29. Begin by indicating to what degree you agree or disagree with a list of values statements. Then, as you listen to the debate, mark where…
Read MoreHost Your Own Virtual Ask An Atheist Day This Thursday
Ask An Atheist Day is an opportunity for secular groups across the country to work together to defeat stereotypes about atheism and encourage courteous dialogue between believers and nonbelievers alike. The day is intended to be an opportunity for the general public—particularly people of faith—to approach non-theists and ask questions about secular life. Use social media:…
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