Standing for Reproductive Rights on Campus


Last year, the Secular Student Alliance chapter at the University of Texas, San Antonio, took a courageous stand for reproductive rights during the National Day of Action for Reproductive Rights. Amid a harsh political climate in Texas, where some of the nation’s strictest abortion laws had taken effect, these students organized a protest and march to advocate for bodily autonomy and demand that the university protect reproductive healthcare on campus.

“Texas is at the center of this,” one student leader shared. “These laws are unpopular, authoritarian, and will impact our most vulnerable communities. A better society will only be achieved if we fight for economic and social justice together.”

The students turned their passion into action. Despite the university’s lack of response to their demands for accessible reproductive healthcare, including free menstrual products, contraceptives, and pregnancy tests, the SSA chapter began tabling regularly on campus. They distributed over 500 boxes of Plan B emergency contraceptives, along with condoms, dental dams, lube, tampons, and pads, all free to students.

Their efforts reached far beyond UTSA. Recognizing that this struggle wasn’t just a Texas issue, SSA staff shared the program with chapters nationwide, empowering other students to protect their peers’ reproductive rights and distribute Plan B.

Through your support, we are able to provide students with the resources they need to envision and lead bold initiatives. Together, we can continue to support nonreligious youth and promote reproductive healthcare access for students across the country. Your contributions help ensure these young activists have the tools to make real change on their campuses and beyond.

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