Yard Signs

Not a student? You can still help start new SSA chapters

Be an ally of nonreligious students by posting signs on a campus near you

We often hear from local atheist, humanist, and freethought groups about wanting to start and support a student chapter in their city.

Placing yard signs on campus has been one of the most effective ways to identify students to start a chapter. You can help outreach to students by posting yard signs at a campus near you.

SSA will design the yard signs in the school's colors, with an email address so interested students can contact the Secular Student Alliance directly. The SSA Campus Organizers will assist the students to start new chapters throughout the US.

How it works:

  1. Submit this form to indicate which college or university campuses you or your group would be able to place yard signs on.
  2. Not sure what campuses to target? That's OK, send us an email and the SSA staff will help identify campuses near you.
  3. Make a tax-deductible $100 donation per campus for printing and shipping.
  4. An SSA Campus Organizer will reach out to provide you with guidance about where and when to place the signs on campus.
  5. When they arrive in the mail, place the yard signs on campus.
  6. The SSA staff will receive emails from interested students. You will be notified when a new chapter starts.