The Progressive Parent: Kavin Senapathy on science, justice, and the future of humanity
Mar 25, 2025 4:00PM
Categories Webinars

What adults do for children today is shaping how humanity will ultimately fare. People who care about truth, justice, equity, and science must contend with oppression, inequity, and unscientific propaganda. The outcomes of this face-off will determine the well-being of generations. How can parents and other adults leverage information and resources to oppose bigotry and do the best for kids? In this presentation, Kavin Senapathy will discuss their book, The Progressive Parent: Harnessing the Power of Science and Social Justice to Raise Awesome Kids. From protecting babies and children from harmful chemical exposures to the truth about the gender and sex binaries, this talk will shed light on how to level up individual and collective approaches to raising children.