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Congratulations to Dr. Ryan Bodanyi, who has been elected as the new Board Chair of the Secular Student Alliance!

The Secular Student Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and the only national organization dedicated to atheist, humanist, and other non-theist students. Our mission is to empower secular students to proudly express their identity, build welcoming communities, promote secular values, and set a course for lifelong activism. We support the growing population of secular students with:

This work almost entirely depends on the kindness and generosity of individual donors, like you. Please take a moment to make a donation

Dr. Bodanyi has served on the SSA Board since 2022, and previously served as Vice Chair. His career spans research and advocacy, primarily in the environmental movement. He holds a Ph.D. and MS degrees from the University of Washington, where his research explored what cities and counties in the US are doing to mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions, and how those efforts influence local finance. He's built campaigns for the National Wildlife Federation, Clean Water Action, and the Clean Air Task Force. And he founded a non-profit to advocate for the half-million survivors of the 1984 chemical disaster in Bhopal, India, which he led for five years. 

“I’m honored to support the Secular Student Alliance, an organization that connects secular students with each other – and with resources, leading secular thinkers, and a vibrant nationwide community. I wish I’d been a part of this community when I was younger – and I’m so glad that others have access to it now.”

You can support this important work - and a pluralistic, welcoming future for us all - by making a charitable contribution.