The Secular Student Alliance empowers secular students to proudly express their identity, build welcoming communities, promote secular values, and set a course for lifelong activism.

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Faith-Based Outreach: Open Letter to Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

April 19, 2023

  Open Letter to Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Regarding Faith-Based Outreach Hilda Solis, Holly Mitchell, Lindsay Horvath, Janice Hahn, and Kathryn Barger   Last year, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved funding for a consultant…

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West Texas University President Cancels Student Drag Show Citing Religious Beliefs

March 21, 2023

In an address to all students, faculty, and staff at West Texas A&M University President Walter Wendler canceled a student drag show organized by several campus student clubs including members of the Secular Student Alliance. The show and its proceeds…

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Experiences with Favoritism for Religious Student Groups?

March 3, 2023

  As a result of our lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education, the DOE announced that it is rescinding part of a regulation enacted by the Trump administration that forces universities to financially support religious student groups that discriminate.…

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