Supporting Each Other in a Pandemic
Join the SSA Coronavirus Hangout
Social distancing got you down?
With university and club activities canceled from coast to coast, we don't want you to feel isolated and alone. So let's use technology to hangout where the virus can't get us!
Monday, March 23, around lunchtime we'll get on Google Hangouts and just check in, see how everyone's doing, and talk about whatever comes to mind.
Bring your own lunch, snacks, drinks, and pandemic themed musings!
RSVP by clicking here and we'll post the Google Hangouts link a few days before we meet. ALUMNI WELCOME!
Taking Care of Your Mental Health
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
It’s important to note that we are not helpless in light of current news events. We can always choose our response. If you are struggling, here are some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty...
Coronavirus will also cause a loneliness epidemic
Make no mistake: The rapid implementation of social distancing is necessary to flatten the coronavirus curve and prevent the current pandemic from worsening. But just as the coronavirus fallout threatens to cause an economic recession, it’s also going to cause what we might call a “social recession”: a collapse in social contact that is particularly hard on the populations most vulnerable to isolation and loneliness — older adults and people with disabilities or preexisting health conditions.
If coronavirus scares you, read this to take control over your health anxiety
Here is some advice that may give some comfort to those of you who are struggling.
What works for you?
Drop us an email and tell us what you've found helpful in managing your
mental and emotional health in this stressful and uncertain time.
With your permission we'll share it with the community.