Secular Student Alliance 2025 National Conference

Call For Workshops, Speakers, & Presentations

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2025 SSA national conference. If you have a topic, workshop, or training to share about how students can create community that builds strong social bonds and transforms people's lives, we want to hear from you.

This year's conference will be tightly organized around leadership skills-building with a focus on community building, promoting service and activism, and educating about secular values.

If your presentation is chosen, your registration fee will be waived.

The deadline for applications is April 5, 2025.

Options for presentations include:
- 45 min interactive workshop
- 10 min story-telling from main stage (ex. Moth)
- music, poetry, spoken word, or other artistic presentation

Do you want to speak at the 2025 SSA National Conference, or do you know someone who should? This is your opportunity to share your knowledge and passion with your fellow student leaders, and inspire and train a new generation of leaders.

Please note that this application is meant for current students, recent alumni, and SSA chapter advisors.

General Application

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2025 SSA national conference. If you have a topic, workshop or training to share about how students can create community that builds strong social bonds and transforms people's lives, we want to hear from you.

Student membership is always free. Become a member of the largest and fastest-growing secular student organization in the country.

As an SSA alumnus, you are always part of the SSA family.  Your alumni membership helps provide free student memberships to continue to grow the SSA family.

Through your membership, you are making an investment in thousands of secular students across the country. Membership support is critically important to fulfilling our mission.

Speakers and Presenters

Sasha Sagan

Jeff Hawkins

Rep. Hank Johnson