Make A Donation Today - It Will Be Doubled, Up To $50,000
Make your 2020 year-end gift to the Secular Student Alliance today and it will be doubled, up to $50,000. Your gift will make twice the impact of empowering nonreligious students, promoting secular values, and cultivating future secular activists.
Start a monthly donation today and Phil Ferguson will match it in any amount, up to $10,000.
Please support nonreligious students in middle school, high school, and college.
Because of donors like you, we have been able to touch thousands of lives each year. Because of you, our students know they are not alone, have like-minded friends on their campus, are advocates for the separation of state and church, and develop the skills in activism to create a more rational and compassionate society.
We know 2020 has been a difficult year financially for many people due to the impact of COVID-19. Many nonprofits, like the Secular Student Alliance, are stretching their staff and resources this year. If you are able to give a little extra to help for those who are not able, thank you.
“I made one post about being an atheist on my social media. The next day my parents called demanding an explanation. I told them I didn’t believe in a god. They said they would no longer help me financially with college until I stopped this ‘foolishness.’ Now, I have to find a second job to pay my rent and tuition while going to school full-time. I know it will be difficult, but I am determined to finish my degree and graduate.”
~ Student from Northern Kentucky
“I just know [questioning religion] is right and I feel it’s important for me to share that with my family because they don’t hear different opinions that may not agree with them. They know I’m a great person and the fact that I am an atheist makes it even better because I’m breaking down stereotypes and negative connotations.”
~ Michael, Rogue Community College
“I’ve identified as secular since I was in eighth grade, but never really had a community of secular people to talk to. Finding SSA helped me gain that community, share my story, and hear the stories of other secular people. It was really empowering for me to see how SSA can build community, and that’s one of the main reasons I’m so proud to be our campus chapter’s president.”
~ Kayley, Illinois Wesleyan University